Since 2002, the Corsicana Education Foundation has...
- Awarded over 500 innovative teaching grants worth more than $1 million to Corsicana ISD classrooms.
- Honored "Distinguished Teachers" for their contributions in the classroom with a plaque and a check for $1,000. The teachers are honored each spring for their outstanding teaching ability and dedication to their students and profession.
- Recognized the Top 10% of graduating seniors at a brunch and awarded them $100. In 2021, we celebrated the entire graduating class, as well as the Top 10%, with prizes and TCC mini-grants. We gave back $10,000 to the students.
- Awarded "Rising Star" teachers with five years of experience or less with a plaque and a check for $500. The award is given each spring to educators who exhibit extraordinary dedication to their students and to learning more about the teaching profession.
- Assisted first-year teachers set up their classrooms with $100 mini-grants.
- Reached more than $650,000 in it's endowment, which will continue to grow and secure the future of funding for CISD staff and their innovative programs.
- Provided campus celebrations twice a year to show our true appreciation for CISD faculty and staff.